In rails app I try to store 2-d hash in postgreSql hstore column, but for output I get something like
{"6/5"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}", "8/1"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}", "8/2"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}", "8/3"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}"}.
How can I get 2-d hash as output or maybe you can give some advice for how to parse it?.
If you need to convert this into hash here is how you could it do:
str = {"6/5"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}", "8/1"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}", "8/2"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}", "8/3"=>"{\"color\"=>\"white\"}"}
p str.each_with_object({}){|(k,v),h| h[k] = eval(v)}
{"6/5"=>{"color"=>"white"}, "8/1"=>{"color"=>"white"}, "8/2"=>{"color"=>"white"}, "8/3"=>{"color"=>"white"}}