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Table in GWT-Bootstrap

Trying to add a table to my GWT app with Bootstrap, using UIBinder. From what I understad there is some sort of table ported to GWT-Bootstrap but I don't know which one to use and how to use it (couldn't find any documentation either).

I want something like this, with Bootstrap style of course:

           Text blabla
           Text blabla



  • I think you are mixing up some things.

    <b:CellTable> is basically a normal GWT CellTable with bootstrap styles (it extends normal CellTable and injects a custom Resource for the styles).

    Bootstrap and GWT-Bootstrap also have styles for normal HTML tables.
    You can either use the <b:Table> widget or you can just define <table> and add the corresponding bootstrap classname.

    So there are three choices:

    • If you need the functionality of CellWidgets (rendering a lot of records, fast performance) and want to have it with bootstrap styling then use <b:CellTable>
    • If you just need a bootstrap styled HTML table and also want to interact with it use the <b:Table> widget.
    • If you just need a static bootstrap styled HTML table then just use <table class="table table-striped">