As we know in OOP that interface provides a set of operations without implementation but class is the opposite.
in Object oriented design ,we use uml the interface has a set of operations without implementation and the class also has a set of operations without implementation(i know class has attributes in addition to its operations)?
so, what is the difference in UML?
As we know in OOP that interface provides a set of operations without implementation but class is the opposite.
Not quite true - abstract classes are classes that have one or more methods declared but not defined (in C++ and Java these are abstract methods). You can have a class defined with all its methods abstract - in which case there is close similarity with an interface.
One key idea in UML, though, is that an interface is a set of methods exposed to other classes or components. The purpose is to define a set of operations.
However, moving to programming, a method may be made abstract to aid development (e.g. by ensuring all subclasses have an implementation). This method might be purely internal to the class.
One last observation: the term interface and class in UML are not quite synonymous to interface and class in a language, say Java. For example, Java does not allow multiple class inheritance. Instead Java has the interface
which allows a class to implement multiple types (not classes - a subtle difference)
Quick note technical words:
Define is to Declare as Class is to Type.
(see What is the difference between Type and Class?)
The purpose of interface is to define a set of operations but we are do the same for class also define a set of operations?
So the purpose of the interface is to declare (not define) a set of public operations that other objects want to use. A class (in UML) is the complete set of operations (public and private). A class (in Java, C++, etc.) additionally defines all non-abstract operations.
So the key is the intent: When other components of the system want to use a set of operations, use interface. When you're using UML to describe an implementation (of a component, algorithm, etc.) use class.
when I go to class that assumed to implement those operations I can't see any implementation for those operations as a diagram describe those operations or anything give a sign for implementation?
UML tool is for modelling and so deliberately avoids providing a place where you enter operation definitions - that is left for later. The idea is that you:
This deliberate gap (you might say deficiency) means that 'define' vs. 'declare' in UML is meaningless. Sorry.