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syntastic not functioning: no errors

I've installed Pathogen, git clone'd the syntastic repo, and tried :Helptags in mvim. However, whenever I type :Helptags, I don't get an error but nothing at all happens. Any idea what might be going on?

UPDATE: I've tried again with Vundle (which is working fine with NERDTree and powerline) and am getting the following errors:

a busy cat


  • Read :h :helptags, this command (with an argument: :Helptags /path/to/dir) is used to index third party plugin's documentation. It has nothing to do with the Syntastic plugin.

    If Pathogen is installed correctly, :h syntastic should open the documentation for Syntastic. Read it carefully, make sure you understand everything, try it and come back to us if you have any question.