in .tmTheme files the scope key defines how a element is highlighted:
<string>HTML: Attribute Values</string>
<string>meta.tag string.quoted, meta.tag string.quoted constant.character.entity</string>
where can I find a list of all scopes supported by these apps, so I can create my own style?
Edit: Phrogz's answer is better than my answer here, as it more accurately answers the question as asked. I recommend you check it out!
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any such comprehensive list.
However, if you press Shift+Ctrl+P
in SublimeText 2, the status bar at the bottom of the screen will display a comprehensive list of all the scope keys that apply to the character immediately following your cursor position.
You can use this method to find the scope keys for anything you need from within SublimeText.
Update: Commenters Will and fregante below indicate this has changed for SublimeText 3.
For Windows/Linux, Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P
is the appropriate command, and on a Mac the command is ⌘⌥P