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Disposing of Notes Objects with COM, Memory Leaks

I using C# to interact with the Domino COM. I am using Lotus Notes 8.5.2. Visual Studio 2008, Windows 7 SP1.

I am trying to prevent this error from Lotus:

LSXBE: ************************************
LSXBE: ****** Out of Backend Memory *******
LSXBE: ************************************

The following code copies each NotesDocument in an NSF to another NSF. After getting UNIDs from a NotesView having a selection query of SELECT @All, code copies one message at a time using

NotesDocument ndoc = nd.GetDocumentByUNID(nve.UniversalID);         

Given, a source NSF of 10 GB, the amount of memory (private bytes, I believe) used by my application grows steadily to about 450 MB. ANTS Memory Profiler indicates that almost all of that memory is allocated to unmanaged memory, which would be the COM.

  1. Could I reduce memory consumption by disposing of Notes objects? I have not seen methods to deallocate a NotesSession, NotesDatabase, NotesDocument, etc. Is there a way to deallocate the memory?

I have tried a version of the code calling GC.Collect() and GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() after every 5000 documents, that eliminated the "Out of Backend Memory" errors on a machine with 16 GB RAM. Even when copying finishes, and I set the object containing the below code to null and call garbage collection, memory utilization remains around 450 MB.

I also tried putting the copy code in its own thread and then garbage collecting after the thread completes. That did not help.

  1. If there are not disposal methods for Notes objects, how else might I reduce memory utilization?

Code C#

//Establish session
NotesSession ns = new Domino.NotesSessionClass();

//Open source NSF
NotesDatabase nd = ns.GetDatabase("", "test.nsf", false);
//Open destination NSF.
//Assume that all design elements of nd2 are identical to those of nd
NotesDatabase nd2 = ns.GetDatabase("", "test2.nsf", false);

//Create view that returns all documents.
NotesView nView2 = nd.GetView("$All");
nd.CreateView("All-DR", "SELECT @ALL", nView2, false);
NotesView nView = NotesConnectionDatabase.GetView("All-DR");

//Loop through entries in the new view
NotesViewEntry nvec = nView.AllEntries;
nve = nvec.GetFirstEntry();

for (int j = 1; j <= intEntryCount; j++)
     if (j == 1)
          nve = nvec.GetFirstEntry();
          nve = nvec.GetNextEntry(nve);

     //Copy document to second database.
     NotesDocument ndoc = nd.GetDocumentByUNID(nve.UniversalID);         
 //End loop.
 //All documents are copied.

I have these ideas, none of which is appealing:

  1. Call garbage collection after every call to CopyToDatabase. I don't expect this will work given that I believe I am dealing with a memory leak in COM. I also expect it to reduce the speed of my application.

  2. Try the C++ API. I have no idea whether the issue exists there.

  3. This is a really clumsy way... Build a new manager app that a. Gets a list UNIDs and writes them to a text file. b. Starts the copy app. c. The copy app copies a subset of the records from the text file. d. The copy app terminates, freeing its memory. e. The manager app starts a new copy app process. f. Repeat c - e as needed.


  • I don't believe that the Domino COM classes leak, per se. If they did, Lotus would provide a recycle() method the way they do in their Java classes. But behind those classes is the entire Notes runtime, which does allocate a lot of memory for caching, so it's not surprising if you see memory going up.