The documentation for getting type info includes this piece of suggested code for getting the mapping between code and integer:
foreach (@{ $DBI::EXPORT_TAGS{sql_types} }) {
printf "%s=%d\n", $_, &{"DBI::$_"};
But perl 5.16.2 won't allow it:
Can't use string ("DBI::SQL_GUID") as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in use
I don't know how to turn off strict refs and I suspect it wasn't the author's intention that anyone do so. How can this subroutine call be accomplished?
You can turn off strict 'refs' by doing this
no strict 'refs';
foreach (@{ $DBI::EXPORT_TAGS{sql_types} }) {
printf "%s=%d\n", $_, &{"DBI::$_"};