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CherryPy: What would the html command line syntax be if you wanted to pass a dictionary as an argument?

So I built a simple cherrypy function called 'echo' to try and figure out what cherrypy sends to my python function. Example:
{'kw': {}, 'args': (), 'param_1': '692-gg_org_id-2013-02-05.json', 'param_2': None}

Now, this may seem weird, but I would like to pass a dictionary. Is this a html nightmare to do? Example:

this function needs two arguments. the params are optional:

def some_function(filename, params = {'db':'bh-localhost','h':'sparse','branching':7})

sending through cherrypy...{h:'branchy','branching':7,'db':'bh-localhost'}
{'kw': {}, 'args': (), 'param_1': '692-gg_org_id-2013-02-05.json', 'param_2': "{h:'branchy','branching':7,'db':'bh-localhost'}"}

But when I pass through through the actual function and not the echo, it tells me:

404 Not found. Nothing matches the given URI.

Is this because the dictionary is a string and not a dict now? What trick can I do to pass a dictionary? Or just keep this to individual arguments?


  • Try setting echo to receive a variable number of parameters...

    def echo(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return kwargs['param_1']

    Hope this helps.
