How can i retrieve email body, recipient email address, subject etc of outgoing mail.
thanks for any help.
EDIT:- I have added one custom button in outgoing mail toolbar see image.
And the functionality of that button is send mail and save all mail detail on my server also so how can i get that detail like, both email addresses "To"="" and "cc"="", subject="My subject" , and email body="My email body"
How can i achieve this ?
Through this apple script you can retrieve mail content so please try it.
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Mail"
set _Contents to {}
set _contentDetail to {}
set the _contentDetail to entire contents of UI element 1 of scroll area 3 of window 1
repeat with _value in _contentDetail
set str to ""
if class of _value is static text then
set str to value of _value
end if
set str to str & return
set _Contents to _Contents & str
end repeat
return get _Contents as string
end tell
end tell