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How to start developing an application on Windows CE?

I'm new to the CE environment, I have to create an application for a mobile computer with a barcode scanne that uses Windows CE 5.0 (motorola mc3000)

I was thinking that I should use Visual Studio 2008 because it seems that neither VS2010 and VS2012 doesn't support Windows CE 5.0 : ETA on Smart Device Projects for Visual Studio 2010

I have never used CE before and I have searched a lot for useful tutorials to help me in my task, but unfortunately it was with no result.

Does any one know any good tutoriel to help me to make a good start knowing that I'm using windows 7 ?



  • Tutorial for Visual Studio 2003

    The tutorial should work for 2003/2005. 2008 probably has support for Windows 6.0 rather than 5.0 The SDK's documentation should include information about accessing the Motorola camera.