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Can't create tables inside Visual Studio 2010, getting 'The specified module could not be found (exception from Hresult: 0x800700E)' error

I am trying to create a database and its tables using the Visual Studio 2010 Sp1 itself from server explorer section.

I could successfully create the database but when I go for the tables I get the error:

The specified module could not be found (exception from Hresult: 0x800700E)

I have SQL Server 2012 Enterprise installed on the system as well, and I'm trying to create the database inside visual studio using .\sqlexpress .

For the record: I had Visual Studio 2012 installed but removed it since I couldn't stand it. Does this have any relation to this problem?

How can I solve this problem?


  • OK i solved the problem . It was caused by the former installation of Visual Studio 2012 and then its un-installations. Visual Studio 2012 changes the dsref80.dll located at :

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\Visual Database Tools\

    overwriting the older version. When it is uninstalled the dll remains though and since its version is newer and there is no more the version 10 , Visual studio 2010 generates an error. to resolve this problem all you need to do is to get the version 10 dll and place it in the mentioned path( a repair or re-installation would do the trick). here is the dll on my system if anyone needs it . Here is the source
