I have a site crawler which displays a list of urls, but the problem is I cannot for the life of me get the last regex quite right. all urls end up listed as:
The Urls can all be different and the only thing which seems static is the & symbol. How would go abouts getting rid of the & symbol and everything beyond it to the right?
Here is what I have tried with the above results:
function getresults($sterm) {
$html = file_get_html($sterm);
$result = "";
// find all span tags with class=gb1
foreach($html->find('h3[class="r"]') as $ef)
$result .= $ef->outertext . '<br>';
return $result;
function geturl($url) {
$var = $url;
$result = "";
preg_match_all ("/a[\s]+[^>]*?href[\s]?=[\s\"\/url?q=\']+".
$var, $matches);
$matches = $matches[1];
foreach($matches as $var)
$result .= $var."<br>";
echo preg_replace('/sa=U.*?usg=.*?AFQjCN/', "--" , $result);
if url are ALWAYS in the same format, use explode :
$tmp = explode("&", "http://foobar.website.com/page3.php&--E5WRBxuTOQikDIyBczaVXveOdRFg");
$tmp[0] should content "http://foobar.website.com/page3.php" and $tmp[1] should content "--E5WRBxuTOQikDIyBczaVXveOdRFg"