I am using Zk6.4 in my application i am getting a weird issue in listbox component ...You can check this here
How to reproduce the issue?.
1-Run the Fiddle code link given above
2-Click on any item
3-click on pick button of model Window
- A new tab Will open this tab contain a listbox and now this listbox onselect or Single item selection is not working.
4-Now New tab will open now Listbox OnSelect not working
As mentioned by schroet, this is caused by modal window, see ZK Window Javadoc
As a workaround, you can modify the doPickDocumentRSN method in PopUpViewModel.java as below:
public void doPickDocumentRSN(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component comp) {
Map maps = new HashMap();
maps.put("PARENT_VIEW", comp);
maps.put("peopleTabArg", new TabArguement(TabArguement.TabMode.PICK));
UserInterfaceViewModel.addAnyTab(maps, "Tab2", "tab2.zul");