Assume f(z)
is an arbitrary function of z
. In Maple, if we want to get the series expansion of diff(f(z),z)
at z=0
, we can use
series(diff(f(z), z), z = 0, 2)
The output is "(D(f))(0)+...". However, we cannot obtain the series expansion of diff(f(z),z)
at z=1
series(diff(f(z), z), z = 1, 2)
The output is "Error, (in PDEtools/useD/diff_to_D) invalid input: diff received z+1, which is not valid for its 2nd argument." What is wrong, and how to get the series expansion of an expression that contains derivatives of a function such as diff(f(z),z)
It looks like a bug.
Workarounds might include,
series(D(f)(z), z = 1, 2);
/ 2\
D(f)(1) + @@(D, 2)(f)(1) (z - 1) + O\(z - 1) /
or (with a different expansion order option),
MultiSeries:-series(diff(f(z), z), z = 1, 3);
/ 2\
D(f)(1) + @@(D, 2)(f)(1) (z - 1) + O\(z - 1) /