I am trying to compare L.LoanDueDate
(which is a smalldatetime
) to the return value of ufnARCUGetLatestProcessDate()
(which is an int
) to see how many days the loan due date is past the last process date.
I receive an
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type smalldatetime
error and can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be useful. Thank you in advance.
CAST(L.LoanDueDate - CAST(CAST((SELECT ProcessDate FROM ufnARCUGetLatestProcessDate()) AS VARCHAR(10)) AS smalldatetime) AS INT)
I was able to figure out the issue. DigCamare's comment on DATEDIFF reminded me that is what I needed to do even though you can cast a int to a smalldatetime so you can compare it.
DATEDIFF(d,L.LoanDueDate,CONVERT(smalldatetime,convert(varchar(10),(SELECT ProcessDate FROM ufnARCUGetLatestProcessDate()))))