Anybody has an idea how to clear "Applications and Services Logs" using Powershell? I can easily clear the Windows Logs using Clear-EventLog, but I can't get to clear a subfolder under "Applications and Services Logs" in Windows Event Logs.
This looks like what you need
Update - That link has a login. Here's the script from it -
Function Global:Clear-Winevent ( $Logname ) {
Given a specific Logname from the GET-WINEVENT Commandlet
it will clear the Contents of that log
Cmdlet used to clear the Windows Event logs from Windows 7
Windows Vista, Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2
GET-WINEVENT -Listlog * | CLEAR-WINEVENT -Logname $_.Logname
Clear all Windows Event Logs
This is a Cmdlet that is not presently in Powershell 2.0
although there IS a GET-WINEVENT Command to list the
Contents of the logs. You can utilize this instead of
WEVTUTIL.EXE to clear out Logs. Special thanks to Shay Levy
(@shaylevy on Twitter) for pointing out the needed code