I'm updating the code for a generator that I wrote, but has been working fine until now.
When I simply rue the command
bundle exec rails g
I get the following error
/Users/mpierc200/projects/prototype_conflux/vendor/gems/itrc_client_files_generator-1.0.13/lib/itrc_client_files_generator.rb:6:in `<top (required)>':
uninitialized constant Rails::Generators (NameError)
The offending line is
class ItrcClientFilesGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
My Rails version is
Rails 3.1.9
ruby version is
ruby 1.9.3p194
It looks like the Rails generator modules were pulled out and not automatically loaded at some point during Rails 3 development. This is probably for good reasons.
You have to include them in custom generators:
require 'rails/generators'
class ItrcClientFilesGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
# Fancy generator code here