I'd like to use the lookback API to view the history of a deleted object, which I think should be simple if I know the formatted id. I just need to query:
{ FormattedID: 'DEXXXX' }
But does the Lookback API record anything special for when an object is deleted (like can I tell exactly when it was deleted or by whom)? Can it help point me to the correct place in the Recycle bin so that I could try to undelete it?
Interesting. I just ran a REST query on the Recycle Bin with fetch=true and got back a lot more data on the result set than I'm used to:
GET https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.40/recyclebinentry/12345678914.js
{ "RecycleBinEntry" : { "DeletedBy" : { "_rallyAPIMajor" : "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor" : "40",
"_ref" : "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.40/user/12345678910.js",
"_refObjectName" : "User One",
"_type" : "User"
"DeletionDate" : "2012-05-15T02:53:10.087Z",
"Errors" : [ ],
"ID" : "DE32",
"Name" : "Error found in TC43: TC07-011",
"ObjectID" : 12345678911,
"Subscription" : { "_rallyAPIMajor" : "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor" : "40",
"_ref" : "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.40/subscription/12345678912.js",
"_refObjectName" : "My Subscription",
"_type" : "Subscription"
"Type" : "Defect",
"Warnings" : [ ],
"Workspace" : { "_rallyAPIMajor" : "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor" : "40",
"_ref" : "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.40/workspace/12345678913.js",
"_refObjectName" : "My Workspace",
"_type" : "Workspace"
"_CreatedAt" : "May 14, 2012",
"_objectVersion" : "1",
"_rallyAPIMajor" : "1",
"_rallyAPIMinor" : "40",
"_ref" : "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.40/recyclebinentry/12345678914.js",
"_refObjectName" : "Error found in TC43: TC07-011"
I didn't realized Rally released an enhancement to this information, but this data includes the Name and Ref of the User that deleted the Object.
You can walk the Recycle bin of the current Workspace/Project using this REST URL:
Where 12345678919 and 12345678920 are the Workspace and Project OIDs, respectively.