We are sending a HTTP WCF request to a 3rd party system hosted on our servers and were experiencing a significant delay between sending the request and getting the response. The 3rd party are claiming that they complete their work in a few seconds but in fiddler I can see a significant gap between the ServerBeginResponse
and the GotResponseHeaders
Now I'm not sure what could account for this delay? Could someone explain what the ServerBeginResponse
and the GotResponseHeaders
timers in Fiddler actually mean?
The timers mean pretty much exactly what they say-- The ServerGotRequest timer is set when Fiddler is done transmitting the HTTP request to the server. The GotResponseHeaders timer is set when Fiddler has read the complete set of response headers from the server.
In your screenshot, there's a huge delay between ServerBeginResponse (which is set when the first byte of the server's response is returned) and GotResponseHeaders which suggests that the server spent a significant amount of time in completing the return of the HTTP response headers.
If you send me (via Help > Send Feedback) a SAZ capture of this traffic, I can take a closer look at it.