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How can I access all field elements of a structure array nested in a cell array in MATLAB?

Here's code that creates an example cell array for this question:

mycell = cell([5,1]);
for i = 1 : size(mycell)
    mystruct = struct();
    mycell{i} = mystruct;
    mycell{i}.field1 = i;

I expected mycell{:}.field1 to do what I want, but it gives an error. I can use the following for loop:

for i = 1 : size(mycell)

but I'd prefer a simpler or more elegant solution as a want to use all the elements of mycell.field1 as the y-variables in a plot. Any ideas?


  • Two possible solutions:


    If all the structs in your cell array have the same fields than you can:

    mycell = [ mycell{:} ]; % convert cell array to struct array
    y = [ mycell(:).filed1 ]; % get the values


    Another method uses cellfun

    y = cellfun( @(x) x.field1, mycell );  

    assuming all mycell{ii}.filed1 are scalars, otherwise you'll need to add 'UniformOutput', false to the cellfun.

    note: in case some fields are empty ([]) these methods might not work as expected.

    One small remark:
    it is not a good practice to use i and j as variables in Matlab.