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Use built-in "Follow" action with a custom object type

How can I achieve such a thing? I have a custom object type - for example, a Club. I want users of my app to be able to Follow a Club, which has a manager that posts general club updates, etc. The two approaches I can come up with are:

A - Change my custom Club object type to use the built-in Profile object type.

B - Choose a synonym for Follow and try to get a custom action through the review process.

I already tried submitting as a custom Subscribe action and was rejected. Option A seems like I would be using the system against the way that it was designed to be used.


I don't care about the user receiving facebook notifications or "following" the club in the facebook sense of the word. I just want to publish something to the user's timeline such as "Sammy followed a club on MyApp."


  • Facebook allows you to have a custom "Follow" action, but they don't make it obvious... for obvious reasons.

    1. Create a custom action with a name other than follow
    2. On the next page, change the name to follow

    This is not sneaky in any way. After being rejected several times for synonymous actions like "track" and "subscribe" to try to work around the implied no-custom-follows limitation, it was finally suggested to me by the reviewer that I use the word "follow" for my custom action.