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Google OAuth won't accept its own client_id

I have an app that already successfully uses google oauth, but now I am trying to setup a staging deployment. It is a rails app with devise and omniauth, but I think there might be a problem with how I configured Google.

In the google api admin panel ( I can see the existing app. I created another one with a different callback url (because it is staging). Using Postman (a fancy way to edit the url parameters) I can send a get request to google with the current production client_id and redirect_url and it works fine. When I copy and paste in the new clients (staging's) client_id and redirect_url I always get the error Error: invalid_client.

I'm sure where to start with trying to the figure out the problem, but I've tried a lot of different steps, renaming the urls, changing the client secret, or recreating the client in the admin panel. Any ideas? This error is rather cryptic.


  • We had a temporary issue with a small set of client ids. The issue should be resolved. If you are still having problems please follow up.