How can I assign an existing template file (template file of an another view) to Drupal view.
I already have a template views-view--search-issue.tpl.php
for search_issue
view. Is there any way to use the same template for another view archive_issue
? Or is it necessary that I have to create a new template for that one?
Then you might want to implement some preprocess hook that lets you add some suggestions. Something like this (it's not tested and maybe you'll need a different hook but to get an idea):
function phptemplate_preprocess_views_view (&$vars) {
$view = $vars['view'];
if ($view->name == 'archive_issue') {
$vars['template_files'] = 'views-view--search-issue';
But like Aniruddhsinh said, the easiest way is to just copy paste the code you need in the appropriate template. Maybe you're feeling that you're violating the DRY manta (Don't Repeat Yourself), but in this case it's better than to break the pattern for views templates. Just go with Aniruddhsinh solution.