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How do i convert Flex MX Components for use in Flex Mobile

I have an existing Flex Air app, that is a combination of both MX and spark components and I need it to run on an android device. Now, I have tried compiling using adt -package -target apk-emulator -storetype and when I install on the android device I get a black screen.

Creating a new mobile flex project and importing the existing stuff, I have mx stuff which obviously isn't compatible with flex mobile 4.6. Are there any other ways around this?


  • You have a few options, in order of complexity (from easiest to hardest):

    1. Add the MX.swc to the library path of your mobile project. Then you can use the MX Libraries in your mobile project. Performance is expected bo be dismal.
    2. Rework your code to replace the MX components with Spark components; if alternatives exist.
    3. Rebuild your app using only mobile supported components