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How to capture the QDockWidget close button click event

I have a QStackedWidget within a QDockWidget - depending on which page is shown I wish to show/hide the close button on the QDockWidget. I can do this by using QDockWidget::setFeatures().

However the issue I'm facing is how to capture the signal of the close button so that I can change the dock features / set the stacked widget page index.

QDockWidget close button

I have attempted to use an event filter:

class EventFilter : public QObject
    EventFilter( QObject* aParent );
    bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);

EventFilter::EventFilter( QObject* aParent )
    : QObject( aParent )


bool EventFilter::eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *event )
    if ( event->type() == QEvent::Close )
        return true;
    return QObject::eventFilter( obj, event );

And installed it as so:

EventFilter* filter = new EventFilter( this );
u->dockWidget_6->installEventFilter( filter );

In the constructor of my QMainWindow - the eventFilter() method did not get called.

So next I attempted to use the QDockWidget::visibilityChanged changed signal since it sounded like this might be what I wanted:

connect( u->dockWidget_6, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), SLOT(dockWindowClosed(bool)) );

This slot did get called - but not when the close button was clicked.

Finally I attempted to use a promoted QDockWidget to capture the QWidget::closeEvent().

  class DockWidgetWithCloseSignal : public QDockWidget
      explicit DockWidgetWithCloseSignal(const QString &title, QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0)
        : QDockWidget( title, parent, flags )


    explicit DockWidgetWithCloseSignal(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0)
 : QDockWidget( parent, flags )

    void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)

I saw the constructor was called which means this new widget was indeed being used, but again no joy since the closeEvent() was never called when the close button was clicked.


  • Turns out that everything apart from the visibilityChanged signal works!

    I added a signal to the overridden closeEvent() method which I could then connect to any slot I wanted.

    The actual issue was that within the stacked widget I had another QDockWidget on another page, hence I was adding all of these things to the wrong QDockWidget! (And of course promoted the wrong QDockWidget too doh!).

    Hopefully this question can serve as a reference to anyone else that needs to figure out how to do this - rather than why it isn't working.