One of 35 header files in project (Handed over to me by some other developer; All of them contains same delegates declaration)
@interface ActivityDetailsCN : UIViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate,
AccountStatusDelegate, AccountTypeDelegate, DirectionDelegate, RecipientDelegate,
PriorityDelegate, DurationDelegate, CurrencyDelegate, OppTypeDelegate,
OppCategoryDelegate, DatePickerDelegate, SalutationDelegate, DepartmentDelegate,
LeadTypeDelegate, OwnershipDelegate, MailingDelegate, SourceDelegate,
StateDelegate, CommentsDelegate, CityDelegate, ZipCodeDelegate>
//Declaration of iVars goes here...
All the delegates declared here contains the same functions. Even their definitions, too.
Each of these delegates are declared before their respective ViewController
header file Like this:
@protocol AccountStatusDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)cancelTapped;
- (void)doneTapped;
- (void)selectTapped:(NSString *)string;
@interface AccountStatusVC : UIViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate> {
@property (unsafe_unretained) id <AccountStatusDelegate> delegate;
Implementation of cancelTapped:
- (void)cancelTapped {
[objPopOver dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
Implementation of cancelTapped:
- (void)doneTapped {
[tblView reloadData];
[objPopOver dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
Implementation of cancelTapped:
- (void)selectTapped:(NSString *)string
if ([string isEqualToString:@"US"])
isTextField = FALSE;
else if([string isEqualToString:@"Other"]) {
appDelegate.strCountry = @"";
isTextField = TRUE;
[tblView reloadData];
[objPopOver dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
Now, Coming to the Question: I don't want to repeat it in each and every class (as it is now); I want to make it in cleaner way, Is there any possible solution available ?
Implement the delegate methods in a common superclass, and refactor all of the protocols to be one common TapCallbackDelegate protocol