I've created an Outlook (2010) VBScript macro that has some user-configurable settings. I've googled and checked the likely resources and can't figure out a good way to persist them. I'm currently storing them in the body of a mail item! It don't get much kludgier than that!
Should I use the Windows registry? An ini file? Or??? And whether registry, file, or???, what key/folder/??? would I use?
The standard Outlook way of storing settings, especially if they relate to a particular mailbox/store and can be accessed from multiple machines connected to the same mailbox, is to use a hidden message stored in one of the well known folders, such as the Inbox.
The hidden MAPI messages can be accessed using MAPIFolder.GetStorage: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.outlook.mapifolder.getstorage.aspx