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scaffold template use cshtml

When I generate my controller and views with the below command

scaffold controller <Entity> -force -repository -DbContextType "XXX" -Area YYY

It generates .aspx (web form) pages instead of .cshtml (razor)

How can I change this default behaviour. I think when I first created a new project it asked me to select the default view engine and I picked the wrong one (webforms).

Also are there any free or cheap T4 templates for MVC 3 that generate nicer and more functional views. i.e using webgrid / jQUery etc.


  • Solution wide scaffolders configuration is stored in scaffolding.config which is located in the same folder with solution file.

    On installation stage MvcScaffolding package launches script (you can find it in <packages folder>\MvcScaffolding.<version>\tools directory). Script counts aspx, cshtml and vbhtml views and based on these numbers decideds what view scaffolder will be used. Here is a piece of this logic:

    function InferPreferredViewEngine() {
        # Assume you want Razor except if you already have some ASPX views and no Razor ones
        if ((CountSolutionFilesByExtension aspx) -eq 0) { return "razor" }
        if (((CountSolutionFilesByExtension cshtml) -gt 0) -or ((CountSolutionFilesByExtension vbhtml) -gt 0)) { return "razor" }
        return "aspx"
    # Infer which view engine you're using based on the files in your project
    $viewScaffolder = if ([string](InferPreferredViewEngine) -eq 'aspx') { "MvcScaffolding.AspxView" } else { "MvcScaffolding.RazorView" }
    Set-DefaultScaffolder -Name View -Scaffolder $viewScaffolder -SolutionWide -DoNotOverwriteExistingSetting

    So you can switch view scaffolder using following commands:

    Set-DefaultScaffolder -Name View -Scaffolder "MvcScaffolding.RazorView" -SolutionWide
    Set-DefaultScaffolder -Name View -Scaffolder "MvcScaffolding.AspxView" -SolutionWide

    Or you can manually edit scaffolding.config file and replace value for ScaffolderName attribute in tag:

    <Default DefaultName="View" ScaffolderName="put here either MvcScaffolding.RazorView or MvcScaffolding.AspxView" />