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What exactly does tell() return, and how do I use it to calculate percent of file read?

I am using Python 2.7 on Windows, and I am very new to Python so forgive me if this is an easy one.

Everything that I have read says that tell() returns the "position", which I believe is basically the cursor position that we are currently at in the read. OK, that sounds helpful, but I cannot figure out how to find the total "positions" of the file to calculate a percentage.


  • You could seek to the end of the file, then call .tell():

    import os, os.SEEK_END)
    size = fileobj.tell(), os.SEEK_SET)

    The above example uses the os.SEEK_* constants to set how to interpret the seek offset (the first argument to .seek()).

    or you can use the os.fstat() function to retrieve the size of your open file:

    import os
    size = os.fstat(fileobj.fileno()).st_size

    The latter information can be more easily cached by the OS so will often be faster.