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(SML) Insert in a trie from reference form to normal?

I created this destructive insertion to tries:

(* ins: char list * (char trie) ref list -> (char trie) ref list *)

 fun ins ([], t) = t@[ref Empty]
 | ins (x::xs, []) = [ref (Node (x, ins (xs, [])))]
 | ins (x::xs, h::tl) =
 case !h of
 Node (c, lis) =>
 if c = x then
 (h := Node (c, ins (xs, lis)); h::tl)
 h::ins (x::xs, tl)
 | Empty => h::ins(x::xs, tl)

And I was trying to make it normal insert without references but I keep getting error.

(* ins: char list * (char trie) list -> (char trie) list *)

fun ins ([], t) = t@Empty
| ins (x::xs, []) = (Node (x, ins (xs, [])))
| ins (x::xs, h::tl) =
case h of
Node (c, lis) =>
if c = x then
(h = Node (c, ins (xs, lis)); h::tl)
h::ins (x::xs, tl)
| Empty = h::ins(x::xs, tl)


  • It would help if you provided the datatype definition that Empty and Node come from and error messages.

    This is what I assume the datatype definition is for the first function:

    datatype 'a trie = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a trie ref list

    For the second:

    datatype 'a trie = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a trie list

    There are several issues with your second function:

    The first clause (ns ([], t) = t@Empty) tries to append t to Empty, where t has type list but Empty has type 'a trie'. You should change that to ns ([], t) = t@[Empty] to match the destructive version, so that it typechecks.

    The clauses in case use a "fat arrow" not an equals sign. Replace | Empty = h::ins(x::xs, tl) with this | Empty => h::ins(x::xs, tl).

    Finally, this is not valid SML:

    if c = x then
    (h = Node (c, ins (xs, lis)); h::tl)

    The parenthesized expression is a sequence which is only for imperative code. The variable h isn't a reference so you can't assign to it like that. Instead, you should use a let to introduce a local variable.

    if c = x then
           (let val h = Node (c, ins (xs, lis)) in  h::tl end)

    Here's the final function. This compiles but I didn't test it carefully so I don't know if there's another error with it:

    fun ins ([], t) = t@[Empty]
      | ins (x::xs, []) = [Node (x, ins (xs, []))]
      | ins (x::xs, h::tl) =
         case h of
            Node (c, lis) =>
                if c = x then
                       (let val h = Node (c, ins (xs, lis)) in  h::tl end)
                    h::ins (x::xs, tl)
          | Empty => h::ins(x::xs, tl)
        if c = x then
        (h = Node (c, ins (xs, lis)); h::tl)
        if c = x then
               (let val h = Node (c, ins (xs, lis)) in  h::tl end)