I have two questions regarding character and numeric values limitation. I have listening to focus lost events and validating Name (character) and Contact (numeric) TextFields.
1. How do I restrict numeric data less then 3 digits and not allow more then 13 digits.
Below is the coding of my contact TextField for numeric:
private void txt_contactFocusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent evt) {
if (txt_contact.getText().equals("")) {
} else {
String contact = txt_contact.getText();
Pattern pt6 = Pattern
Matcher mh6 = pt6.matcher(contact);
boolean matchFound6 = mh6.matches();
if (!(matchFound6)) {
"* Enter the Numaric Values only *");
2. How do I restrict character data less then 3 character and not allow more then 30 characters.
private void txt_nameFocusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent evt) {
if (txt_name.getText().equals("")) {
error2.setText("Enter Full Name");
} else {
String name = txt_name.getText();
Pattern pt1 = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z]+([\\s][a-zA-Z]+)*$");
Matcher mh1 = pt1.matcher(name);
boolean matchFound1 = mh1.matches();
if (!(matchFound1)) {
"* Enter the Character Values only *");
} else {
in the pattern you can use the statement {n,m} n- to m- times
Duo to this you can build your pattern like this
for your charackter comparison
Pattern pt6=Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z]{3,30}"); // it says, it should be 3-30 non Digits
for the numbers it is
Pattern pt6=Pattern.compile("\\d{3,13}"); // it says, it should be 3-13 Digits