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Make a function return multiple values in Matlab

I've written a program in Matlab which purpose is to calculate the integral of a certain function. I'm supposed to use the trapezoidal method for the integral. At the moment, the code looks like this:

a=0; b=2.5; n=2; % n is the number of intervals
h=(b-a)/n; %the width of every interval

% This is located in a different file named labb2uppg1Funkfil
function y = funk(x)
y = exp(-x/3)/(2-cos(pi*x));

I think the problem is that my function only returns a single value of y when it's supposed to be some more! How can I rewrite the function to return multiple values? Or is it something else that's wrong here?

Thanks in advance! end


  • @DanilAsotsky is Rigth. If you want the function to return a y for every x you insert you should rewrite the function to make elementwise operations

    function y = funk(x)
    y = exp(-x./3)./(2-cos(pi.*x));

    Would do the work