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Is it possible to create an IP address radix in modelsim?

Is there anyway to make ip address words display in the decimal dotted format in the waves window?


  • As far as I know, not... But you could create virtual signals for the 4 parts ('virtual signal ...').
    Display those as decimal ('-radix unsigned').
    And create a group with those 4 virtual signals ('add wave ... -group ...) .

    I found creating virtual signals and groups easier in the GUI then typing it yourself in the DO file ('Tools' -> 'Virtual Builder').

    A test VHDL file:

    library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    entity test is
    end entity test;
    architecture rtl of test is
        signal ip : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"AC_10_41_3D";  --
    begin  -- architecture rtl
    end architecture rtl;

    The important parts of a file:

    quietly virtual signal -install /test { /test/ip(31 downto 24)} ip_3
    quietly virtual signal -install /test { /test/ip(23 downto 16)} ip_2
    quietly virtual signal -install /test { /test/ip(15 downto 8)} ip_1
    quietly virtual signal -install /test { /test/ip(7 downto 0)} ip_0
    add wave -noupdate /test/ip; # without formatting
    # group the 4 parts of the IP address and display them as decimal
    add wave -noupdate -expand -group {IP_formatted} -radix unsigned /test/ip_3
    add wave -noupdate -expand -group {IP_formatted} -radix unsigned /test/ip_2
    add wave -noupdate -expand -group {IP_formatted} -radix unsigned /test/ip_1
    add wave -noupdate -expand -group {IP_formatted} -radix unsigned /test/ip_0