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Infinite recursion when serializing OrientDB RecordID

In my schema I have an abstract class like this:

public abstract class AbstractEntity {

    @Id private Object id;
    @Version private Integer version;

    public AbstractEntity() {}

    @JsonProperty // this annotation causes infinite recursion
    public Object getId() { return id; }


This class is used as superclass for every entity, for example:

public class Usuario extends AbstractEntity {

    private Cadastro cadastro;

    protected Usuario() {}

    public Usuario(Cadastro cadastro) {

    public Cadastro getCadastro() { return cadastro; }

    public void setCadastro(Cadastro cadastro) { this.cadastro = cadastro; }


I'm designing a REST layer which will let users create records in db via JSON request/response:

public Response cadastrar(@Context HttpServletRequest request, Cadastro cadastro) {
    OObjectDatabaseTx bd = (OObjectDatabaseTx) request.getAttribute("object.database.tx");

    try {

        Usuario usuario = new Usuario(cadastro);
        usuario =;

        String json = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(usuario);
        Response response = Response.status(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED).entity(json).build();

        return response;

However, in this last method, when I call Jackson to serialize my newly created entity (in writeValueAsString method), I get an infinite recursion: Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError) (through reference chain:["record"]->com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument["identity"]

I can avoid the infinite recursion by removing @JsonProperty from getId method in AbstractEntity class. However, this way the id property won't be present in JSON response.

So, how can I serialize the id property?



  • Does Jackson support circular references? Is that the case?