I have a dialog in my portal which opens a portlet. When I click on the link and the dialog opens, the dialog shows
You do not have the roles required to access this portlet.
However, if I add the same portlet on the page, the portlet opens without any hitch, both on the page and the dialog. What am I missing here? Anybody got any idea ?
My Codes are :
#set ($profile_url = $portletURLFactory.create($request, "profile_WAR_profileportlet", $getterUtil.getLong($plid), "RENDER_PHASE"))
$profile_url.setParameter("p_p_state", "exclusive")
<a href="#" id="profile" onclick="openDialog('$profile_url','preferences-dialog',500,500)"> Profile </a>
'openDialog', //function name
function(url, popupID, wd, ht) { // parameters to the function
var A = AUI();
popupDialog = new A.Dialog({
id: popupID, // popupId passed so that it would be easy to close it through events other than the close button
centered: false, // all the different parameters function you can check in the Alloy API
draggable: true,
resizable: false,
width: wd,
stack: true,
modal: true,
height: ht,
scrollbars: true,
xy: [getWidth()/2-wd/2,10]
uri: url
Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can provide.
I think you are missing the following configuration in the liferay-portlet.xml
of the profile_WAR_profileportlet
This should be set to true
for the portlet which is accessed inside the dialog pop-up, here is the documentation for this element.
For more information you can look at this answer the points 4 & 5 of the answer would be of help to you.