I am currently working on an acoustic analysis project which is being written in C#.
Having been able to correctly calculate the feature for the wav file selected by the user, I am now moving onto template matching which will be used to identify key events within the wav file selected by the user.
As part of this next step, I will be reading in wav files, calculating the feature for those wav files and I will have to store the results of the feature calculation.
The 2d arrays created by this are generally of size, for example, array[1800][30]
and these values will need saved.
My question is what would you suggest is the best method of storing an array of this scale so that the values within it can be read later when comparing the feature generated (array) for a user selected wav file, with the values of the saved array.
The more arrays that I save in order to compare with the currently selected wav file, the greater the accuracy of the template matching. So it is possible that i could have > 100
arrays of size array[1800][30]
, which need saved.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
You can use Serialization to save any object from RAM (random access memory) to Hard Disk.
In serialization process any serializable object can be converted in to byte streams, this byte streams can be stored in files or data base.
The reversal operation is called DeSerialization.
Serialization basic concepts
.NET and Object Serialization using C#