Currently we are following a simple release plan for our projects as follows;
The issue is we use one single source code set in SVN trunk for all these steps.
Therefore we cannot control QA server release (ex: avoid some requirements).
We have very complicate release occurrence as some days we have to release 5-6 times to the QA server.
I guess using a subversion branches I can overcome this issue. Hopefully I can create a separate branch for QA/live server release and I can merge necessary changes from head/trunk.
Or is this other way around? Keep head/ trunk version for QA/ live server release and create a branch for development commits.
What is the correct way?
Please let me know whether there is any better way/tool for handle this situation.
There is a quite popular approach to branches in SVN. It's described here:
In my project (one-person project with a separate release cycle) I use both release and feature branches and have no problems.
Exact branch policies may vary, here is what works for me: