I have the following code that produces a jquery ech multiselect menu widget in Yii. (Eric Hynds multiselect). Unfortunately filter => true
doesn't seem to be enabling the filter.
How do I enable the filter for this? Seems like the filter true switch should do it.
Current code:
$this->widget('ext.echMultiSelect.EchMultiSelect', array(
'model' => $model,
'dropDownAttribute' => 'isolates',
'data' => $data,
'dropDownHtmlOptions'=> array(
'options'=> array(
'header'=> false,
'position'=>array('my'=>'left top', 'at'=>'left top'),
'selectedText' =>Yii::t('application','# selected'),
'noneSelectedText'=>'-- select --',
'filterOptions'=> array(
Figured it out. Header also has to be set to true.
'header'=> true,