I seem to have no problems reading from the file and then creating the struct, but printing the struct gives me a segmentation fault.
Employee definition
struct _Employee {
int salary; // Monthly salary in UK pounds sterling
char *name; // Pointer to character string holding name of employee.
char* department; // MUST be dynamically allocated from the heap.
typedef struct _Employee Employee;
Function to read from a file
Employee* readfile(FILE* file) {
Employee* newemployee;
newemployee = malloc(sizeof(Employee));
char tempsalary[10];
int salary;
char name[20];
char dept[20];
char* names = malloc(sizeof(name));
char* depts = malloc(sizeof(dept));
char* status; // Returned by fgets(). Will be NULL at EOF
status = fgets(names, sizeof(name), file);
if (status == NULL)
return NULL;
else {
newemployee->name = strdup(status);
fgets(tempsalary, sizeof(name), file);
sscanf(tempsalary, "%d", &salary);
newemployee->salary = salary;
fgets(depts, sizeof(dept), file);
newemployee->department = strdup(depts);
return newemployee;
Function to print the struct generated by readfile.
void printEmployee(Employee *employee) {
fprintf(stdout, "Name = %sSalary = %d\nDepartment = %s\n\n", // SEGFAULT HERE
employee->name, employee->salary, employee->department);
Main program
int main() {
FILE* file;
file = fopen ("stest2.txt", "r");
Employee* employees[max_employees];
int i;
int c;
Employee* temp;
for (i = 0; i < max_employees; i++) {
employees[i] = readfile(file)
return 0;
readfile() can return NULL in case of fgets error. This case is not handled in main. As a primitive suggestion:
for (i = 0; i < max_employees; i++) {
employees[i] = readfile(file);
if(NULL != employees[i])
printf("Error reading file");