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Flash and SWFUpload I/O Error #2038 only on Chrome (flash bug or?)

I am using SWFUpload. Here:

If you try to upload a file, Flash gives an Error #2038. This error happens ONLY on Chrome. It works fine in IE, Safari, Firefox, Opera.

I can confirm that the server is sending back a 200. I can also confirm that the whole file has been transmitted. However, somehow in Chrome, flash is translating that to an IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,"Error #2038." It works fine in every other browser that I have. How can I stop this error from occurring?

Chrome Version: 24.0.1312.57 m

Operating System: Windows 7

Chrome Extensions: none

Flash Version: 11,5,31,139


  • Flash Version: 11,5,31,139?? Sounds like you're using the built-in Chrome Flash plugin (called Pepper Flash) which has some bugs. Disable Pepper Flash and instead try the latest Adobe Flash plugin as installed from Adobe site.