is a DynamicDataDisplay.ChatterPlot
variable. It adds a couple lines like following:
LineGraph lgChA = plotter.AddLineGraph(dsChA, Colors.Red, 1, "Data");
LineGraph lgChB = plotter.AddLineGraph(dsChB, Colors.Green, 1, "Data");
The graph plot is updated in real time, so I am updating the data source only, like this:
if (_dataXChA != null && _dataXChA.Length > 1)
EnumerableDataSource<double> xChA = new EnumerableDataSource<double>(_dataXChA);
xChA.SetXMapping(xVal => xVal);
if (_dataYChA != null && _dataYChA.Length == _dataXChA.Length)
EnumerableDataSource<double> yChA = new EnumerableDataSource<double>(_dataYChA);
yChA.SetYMapping(yVal => yVal);
CompositeDataSource dsChA = new CompositeDataSource(xChA, yChA);
//((LineGraph)plotter.brus = dsChA;
((LineGraph)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex)).DataSource = dsChA;
if (_dataXChB != null && _dataXChB.Length > 1)
EnumerableDataSource<double> xChB = new EnumerableDataSource<double>(_dataXChB);
xChB.SetXMapping(xVal => xVal);
if (_dataYChB != null && _dataYChB.Length == _dataXChB.Length)
EnumerableDataSource<double> yChB = new EnumerableDataSource<double>(_dataYChB);
yChB.SetYMapping(yVal => yVal);
CompositeDataSource dsChB = new CompositeDataSource(xChB, yChB);
((LineGraph)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + 1)).DataSource = dsChB;
But I am wondering, except for updating the data points, is there anyway I can change the brush color for the LineGraph
variable as well? I guess that should be in somewhere like plotter.XXX.color ?
So basically, I solved this problem by setting the color to transparent each time before the color is re-assigned. Something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < LiveImage.MAX_CHANNELS; i++) // color reset
((LineGraph)plotter.Children.ElementAt(startIndex + i)).LinePen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), 1);
The point is NOT to add any line graph.