I have a text file like:
[Feb 11 2013 13:17:14] - some string here and here
General options - [something]
Line y
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Something here. Error message: ReferenceError: applyMetadataTemplate is undefined; line: 625
Line 7
[Feb 11 2013 16:07:14] - some string here and here
General options - [something]
Line y
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Something here. Error message: ReferenceError: applyMetadataTemplate is undefined; line: 625
Line 7
Now I want to read this file backwards and for each Error that I find inside a record with a new date, I need to do something. I need help 1) reading the file backwards until I encounter the date and saving that date, 2) Grabbing all the lines until then as a string and finding the word Error inside it. Note: Each record may have different number of lines and may not necessarily have the word error inside it. It's more a "finding and matching the date and then finding error inside that record" type of problem.
$matches = array();
$file = file("log.txt");
$file = array_reverse($file);
foreach($file as $f){
if (stripos($f, "[") !== false) {
// Check string for date by regex
preg_match('/(\D*) (\d{2}) (\d{4})/', $f, $matches);
// Check that parts of the date were found
if(count($matches) > 2) {
echo $f; //print the line
Read a file, and convert it into an array, then reverse the array for backward traversal, then print out the last date.