I created a wonderful GitHub Pages website for my little project, and I added some other pages into the gh-pages
My problem is that, everytime I regenerate the website from 'Settings=>Automatic Page Generator', everything is cleaned up and I have to restore the files manually.
Is there a way to prevent, or work around this?
It would have been much better if the Automatic Generator was just overwriting his stuff without removing existing files.
to _layouts
replace the the inner html of the contents section with {{content}}
prepend the following to index.md
layout: index
include the following in _config.yml
markdown: kramdown
auto_ids: true
this step is to match github's markdown syntax
add & commit changes, and then push branch back to github.
Now you can simply edit index.md
from the gh-branch in your github source browser and it will update using jekyll automatically and not mess with anything in your gh-branch.
You can also make more items editable in the layout using place holder {{page.varname}}
and then adding varname:your text
to the header of your index.md