I just only want to check if that link is Google Maps link
For example :
var urls =[
/// correct urls
/// error urls
I'm so bad about Regex and tried to use JavaScript Regex Generator but its still hard for me.
I got only ..
Reg = /^http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|www\.google$/;
and its fail ! :(
But I made a live test for you all : http://jsbin.com/onuyux/1/edit?javascript,live
Edited : 2
After I got help from @joel harkes
& @dan1111
so i got regex
This is regex for only google.{TLD}/maps
so what about maps.google.{TLD} ?
I just want to validate Google Maps URLs and urls from this way (look at the picture)
If possible I want to validate if address or long-lat is set (using li
or q
parameter check ?) (not only "maps.google.com" for example..)
Updated list + code :
/// correct urls
/// error urls
Live test : http://jsbin.com/onuyux/25/edit?javascript,live
Completing dan1111's answer here's a pattern that will match the specified domains and check if the ll GET variable is set:
Reg = /^https?\:\/\/(www\.)?google\.[a-z]+\/maps\/?\?([^&]+&)*(ll=-?[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+,-?[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+|q=[^&+])+($|&)/;
I could not test it (jsbin is down) but it should match any url that contains at least one of ll or q parameters.
I added the maps. subdomain and fixed a small typo. After q=
the +
should be outside of the character class, to let it repeat: q=[^&]+
instead of q=[^&+]
That being said, here's your regex:
Reg = /^https?\:\/\/(www\.|maps\.)?google\.[a-z]+\/maps\/?\?([^&]+&)*(ll=-?[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+,-?[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+|q=[^&]+)+($|&)/;
To accept the google.co.uk style domains use the following regex.
Reg = /^https?\:\/\/(www\.|maps\.)?google(\.[a-z]+){1,2}\/maps\/?\?([^&]+&)*(ll=-?[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+,-?[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+|q=[^&]+)+($|&)/;
Hope it will cover all the urls now.