If I have two activities Activity1 and Activity2 and I want to send data from Activity1 to Activity2 without Start Activity2
I know if I want to start Activity2 I use this code in Activity1.java
Intent intent ;
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(BG_SELECT, hexColor);
intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Activity2.class);
// this is to start but I want just refresh Activity2 not start it
startActivityForResult(intent, uniqueNo);
and in Activity2.java
bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
if (bundle != null) {
bgColor = bundle.getString(SebhaActivity.BG_SELECT);
System.out.println("in Activity2, selected BG: "+bgColor);
How to refresh Activity2 to find data in it without Start it? Thanks in Advance.
if the next activity (where you need data, Activity2 i.e) wont start from here you can save the data in SharedPreferences in Activity 1 and access it in activity2 when you get there