I am trying to create mini CMS, where user can create new page and then that page become part of menu. Is it smart to insert full pages into database or there is better way to do so? Also I am having a bit of the problem with a tag when I am inserting. Code for now:
For inserting page into db:
public function strana_insert()
$clear = $this->str->clean_request();
$char = array('\n', '\n');
$strana = str_replace($char, '<br>', $clear['opis']);
$kljucna_rec = str_replace( ' ', '_', mb_convert_case($clear['naziv'], MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8") );
$data = array(
'naziv' => $clear['naziv'],
'strana' => htmlspecialchars($strana, ENT_QUOTES , "UTF-8"),
'kljucna_rec' => $kljucna_rec,
'datum_kreiranja' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
Code for clean_request function:
public function clean_request()
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) :
return $clean;
When I insert page with a tag I get following result:
<a href=\"http://www.example.com\" class=\"link_name\">www.example.com</a>
After updating page everything between *\ * is deleted. What is going on here?
You can use Codeigniter's active class to insert this OR use the following method.
before inserting HTML data to database do this :
$html_for_db = addslashes($html_content);
and insert $html_for_db
to database.
While displaying this content,
echo stripcslashes($data_from_db);
stripcslashes() - Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes
More info : http://php.net/manual/en/function.addslashes.php