Ransack has abilities finding User
that has a first_name
User.search(:first_name_present => "1")
and the opposite, finding User
with no first_name
or blank:
User.search(:first_name_blank => "1")
User.search(:first_name_present => "0")
not equal with
User.search(:first_name_blank => "1")
Is there anyway to make
User.search(:first_name_present => "0")
User.search(:first_name_blank => "1")
User.search(:first_name_present => "1")
User.search(:first_name_blank => "0")
You could of course do something like this before calling search
params[:q][:first_name_present] = "1" if
params[:q][:first_name_blank].nil? ||
params[:q][:first_name_blank] == "0"
I think it's good that these are not the same thing, otherwise, you couldn't have a checkbox to only find those users with empty first name – it would not allow a state listing all users. As it is now, unchecked checkboxes do not cause filtering.