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What is needed to set up a PHP development and production environment?

I have inherited a little database driven PHP site.

I am a C# programmer, and have almost zero experience with PHP, although I have great experience with databases and some html / web design.

My boss tasked me to create a staging and production environment for this php site.

Environment: Win 7, 64 bit. Sql Server 2012. PHP 5.2. There are a couple hundred users. We only the need the site to work with explorer. Dreamweaver latest version. There would not be more than 1 user working on the project at a time.

  1. Which code repository should we go with?
  2. For now we are not going with a code repository yet. Besides having separate folders for staging and production, would we need any other folder structure?
  3. I also would be very grateful for your help in formulating the right questions to ensure that I have everything that a "professional" developer needs to set this up.


  • Maybe.. You're looking for, its an all in one solution :) You can however customize the environment once installed.

    Even the PRO's use it :) because it makes it all very simple and quick :)