I am trying to replicate figure 6.11 from Hadley Wickham's ggplot2 book, which plots R colors in Luv space; the colors of points represent themselves, and no legend is necessary.
Here are two attempts:
myColors <- data.frame("L"=runif(10000, 0,100),"a"=runif(10000, -100, 100),"b"=runif(10000, -100, 100))
myColors <- within(myColors, Luv <- hex(LUV(L, a, b)))
myColors <- na.omit(myColors)
g <- ggplot(myColors, aes(a, b, color=Luv), size=2)
g + geom_point() + ggtitle ("mycolors")
Second attempt:
other <- data.frame("L"=runif(10000),"a"=runif(10000),"b"=runif(10000))
other <- within(other, Luv <- hex(LUV(L, a, b)))
other <- na.omit(other)
g <- ggplot(other, aes(a, b, color=Luv), size=2)
g + geom_point() + ggtitle("other")
There are a couple of obvious problems:
Many thanks.
You're getting strange colors because aes(color = Luv)
says "assign a color to each unique string in column Luv
". If you assign color
outside of aes
, as below, it means "use these explicit colors". I think something like this should be close to the figure you presented.
x <- sRGB(t(col2rgb(colors())))
storage.mode(x@coords) <- "numeric" # as(..., "LUV") doesn't like integers for some reason
y <- as(x, "LUV")
DF <- as.data.frame(y@coords)
DF$col <- colors()
ggplot(DF, aes( x = U, y = V)) + geom_point(colour = DF$col)