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Better way for checking nested object in `if` condition?

Consider I have a object like this:


Ok now if I want to be sure that zoo has a value and not empty, I should do:

if(Obj != null && Obj.Boo != null && Obj.Boo.Foo != null && Obj.Boo.Foo.Zoo != null) {
    //blah blah

And If I have more nested objects after Zoo, I should expand the if and the code becomes a little bit malformed.

Is there any better way for doing that type of conditions?


  • I keep a little function I call chainGet(obj, chain, default) around for situations just like this:

    function chainGet(obj, chain, dflt) {
        if (typeof chain === "string")
            chain = chain.split(".");
        var result = obj;
        for (var i = 0; i < chain.length; i += 1) {
            if (result === undefined)
            result = result[chain[i]];
        return result === undefined? dflt : result;

    For example:

    > chainGet({ foo: 42 }, "foo")
    > chainGet({ foo: 42 }, "bar", "x")
    > chainGet({ foo: { bar: 42 }}), "")

    This even works with arrays:

    > chainGet([{ foo: [42] }], [0, "foo", 0])

    Of course, long chains of dotted accesses are a code smell, so caution should be exercised when using them… but sometimes you've just got to do it ;)